Tuesday, 20 March 2018


Sang Kancil @ Soundcloud

Storytelling is a very hard thing to be done... I don't really know why but it feel so awkward to hear your own voice in recordings... Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the stories ^^

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Poster making

Today is the day to learn how to make an interesting poster and I grab this chance to promote my product that we have to sell for our other class which is the Entrepreneurship class. Maybe some of the readers can help us by making some profits from this? More than that, I think I will keep using the web that our lecturer showed us to make more beautiful and interesting posters in the future. You guys can try it too and share it to the world of your own creation! have fun using canva.com ^^

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

About Me

Hello and greetings to all. I'm not sure if there's anyone that will find this blog and read what I have written in here. But just in case... I'm a student in KUPTM KL that is taking a class called Internet technology and this blog is supposed to be the place where I put my notes or thoughts regarding this class. So I really hope that this blog will be a place that is helpful to me throughout this class. Please don't hesitate to put your own infos and additional notes to my blog by commenting so that I can learn more from all the people around the world. Looking forward to more interesting posts in the future! Thank you for reading this till the end -Ameerah-